For the last 12 months, Ansaar Foundation, a non-denominational organization in collaboration with Penny Appeal Canada, have delivered Winter Warmth Packages and Hot Meals to the Homeless to help them keep warm and safe for their uplifting the homeless program.

Over 100 Winter Warmth Packages were distributed to the houseless community in the GTA during the 2021 – 2022 winter season, that included warm winter clothes, sanitary products and more. Over 2500 people have received, healthy nutritious meals in Greater Toronto Area over the last 12 months. The following are some of the testimonials received during distribution.

iftarinbox-ansaar adopt a family-ansaar

“It is so great you have come here, coming across the city and helping this variety of people”
62 year homeless

“Bless you and thank you. You have made my day”
Individual homeless

Ansaar Foundation and Penny Appeal Canada will continue to work together hand in hand and expand their services to our community in GTA

Zulfikar Hathiyani 
President, Ansaar Foundation 

Mark Strong
National Community Ambassador, Penny Appeal